What Goes On My Cosmetic Product Label?
From the FDA Cosmetic Labeling Manual: 21 CFR 701.12
  • The name and business address appearing on the label may be those of the manufacturer, packer or distributor.
  • If the name and address is not that of the manufacturer, the name must be preceded by phrases such as "Manufactured for ...", "Distributed by ...", or other appropriate wording.
  • The name of the firm must be the corporate name, and the address may be that of the principal place of business. Stating also the name of a corporation's particular division is optional.
  • The business address must include the street address, name of the city and state, and the ZIP code. The street address may be omitted if the firm is listed in a current city or telephone directory.
  • The Tariff Act of 1930 requires that imported products state on the label the English Name of the country of origin.

Label Example #1: You manufacture your own product
and distribute it under your own name.

Label Example #2: Another company manufactures your product for you
and you distribute it.

Label Example #3: Another company manufactures your product for you
and you distribute it.

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